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Dealing with your post-moving day aches and pains

For many Quebecers, July 1st is synonymous with moving… and unfortunately, it’s often associated with “pain” as well. In our previous article on avoiding moving-day injuries, we offered a range of tips to ensure your ice pack would be nowhere in sight on July 2nd. Unfortunately, and despite taking every precaution, injuries can still occur. While the infamous “bad back” is the most frequent complaint, shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries are also common. If you’re experiencing this type of pain, these tips can bring some relief!


For back pain

  1. Lie on your stomach, with 2-3 pillows supporting your hips. When the pain subsides, remove one pillow at a time until you are lying flat on the ground.
  2. Once you’re comfortable, try to support yourself with your elbows. Hold this position for 2-3 minutes. Repeat several times a day if it helps you.
  3. Repeat in five-minute cycles, 3-4 times a day.

At bedtime, adopt good sleep posture to relieve your pain. One of the best solutions is to lie on your back, with one or two pillows under your knees. This will ease the tension in your back.

During the day, avoid extended periods of sitting. Stand as often as possible, and make sure you maintain good posture when walking around.

You might also want to take a break from your Lazy-Boy. Sitting in a recliner puts strain on your back and may increase pain.


For joint and muscle pain

To optimally treat an acute injury, it helps to remember the acronym POLICE-CANAI:

P: Protection
Reduce your movements or any loading on the injury during the first few days.

OL: Optimal Loading
Gradually increase tension or loading on your injury to promote healing.

I: Ice
Apply ice for the first 2-3 days, every two hours, for 15 minutes.

C: Compression
Reduce swelling by applying a compression (or elastic) bandage.

E: Elevation
Elevate your injury to ensure it sits above your heart. This will help ensure good circulation.

CA: Cardiovascular Activity
Engage in pain-free cardiovascular activity for twenty minutes, up to twice a day, to raise your metabolic rate and promote healing.

NAI: No Anti-Inflammatory
Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication which may impede the healing process.


If you have any questions, contact your physiotherapist.

Keywords :   back, moving, pain


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