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+1 (514) 990 9299

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+1 (514) 990 9299


    There are times when we need help planning our career, for example, after a job loss or an accident that makes us question our job possibilities, or just simply when we wonder about the future or want to change job. These situations demand reflection and support.

    The Solutions en Réadaptation offer guidance and employment counsellors to support you throughout your career analysis process.

    We provide different services to meet your needs, namely job-search assistance, preparation and support throughout the return to work process and guidance meetings.

    Our site’s Career section provides more information on the services offered by our clinics in this regard.

    Job-search assistance

    The Solutions en Réadaptation can provide you with employment counsellors who are well aware of the labour market to support and advise you throughout your job-search process.

    The job-search assistance request can include the following steps, depending on your needs :

    • Drafting of the resume
    • Simulation of interviews
    • Advice for a successful interview
    • Job-search strategies
    • Exploration of the labour market (businesses that are hiring, positions available, etc.)
    • Contact with potential employers
    • Advice on negotiating work conditions

    The job-search assistance process is completed individually; you will thus get advice based on YOUR reality and YOUR needs.

    Preparation and support throughout the return to work process

    Returning to work after being off work for an extended period of time is not easy. You feel like you need help to get through it? Whether your need is physical or psychological, our professionals have excellent knowledge in terms of preparing and supporting you throughout your return to work process and can provide adequate support. Your return to work will thus be smooth and positive for everyone.

    Depending on your needs, our occupational therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists or kinesiologists can provide you with the tools needed to meet the requirements linked to your return to work: management of your energy, management of the anxiety generated by the return to work, work-life balance, physical preparation to meet the physical requirements of your job, etc. You are concerned about your employer’s reaction regarding your return to work? Our occupational therapists can meet your employer with you to discuss your return to work and thereby ease the transition.

    Dial 514 254-7915 to contact our professionals and take advantage of this service.

    Guidance meeting

    Guidance services are available for anyone wanting to assess their skills and/or explore the labour market to find a suitable career. The individual’s skills, interests and aptitudes will be analyzed in a structured way by an experienced guidance counsellor who can then recommend one or more work or study fields actually matching the individual’s profile. Indeed, guidance counsellors are well aware of the labour market and can advise you on jobs that will meet your interests and aspirations.


    Guidance services are aimed at individuals of all ages who want to take their future in their own hands by exploring career opportunities according to their interests, aptitudes and skills, to select an employment sector that lives up to their needs and expectations.
