Evaluation of functional and work capacities (EFC)
The evaluation of functional and work capacities, commonly known as EFC, allows for the objective establishment of a person’s capacities and the definition of the best routes to take to ensure that the rehabilitation best meets the needs of the worker and his employer, to ensure the success of the process.
This evaluation can be conducted in a clinical or occupational setting according to your needs and will be designed according to the worker’s specific situation. It is completed by an occupational therapist or physiotherapist.
During the evaluation, objective measures of the worker’s capacities are completed, such as his capacity to lift loads, his tolerance to sitting/standing positions or his manual dexterity.
The evaluation of the functional and work capacities will namely help to:
- establish the worker’s functional and work capacities objectively;
- decide on the worker’s capacity to perform a job;
- identify the presence of functional limitations;
- and define the best routes to take in terms of rehabilitation.
The report on the evaluation of functional and work capacities is produced quickly to help you act rapidly where these files are concerned.