Whether the physiotherapy treatments are administered as part of an interdisciplinary program or on an individual basis, the role of the physiotherapist also includes two components :
- Carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the individual
- Support the person in his pain management and stress symptoms to improve his capacities
1. Evaluation
- Neuromuscular-skeletal exam (pain, strength, mobility, tone, etc.)
- Assessment of the cardiovascular system if necessary
2. Develop a structured and personalized treatment plan based on current information
- Realistic and significant therapeutic goals and client motivations so that he can commit to their achievement.
- Informing the client on his condition, progress, recovery and outreach of the theory linked to his reality.
- Possibility for the client to surpass himself safely and overcome his pain.
- Optimization of the development of the client’s capacities through an active approach in his treatments.
- Therapeutic support during the transition between the clinical setting and the return to work.