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+1 (514) 990 9299

make an appointment

+1 (514) 990 9299

Emmanuelle Favron-Godbout, Osteopathic Practitioner

English, French


As a graduate in osteopathy from the Collège d'études ostéopathiques since June 2023, it was my experience as an osteopathic client that played a decisive role in my career choice. Having already graduated in massage therapy from the Académie de massage scientifique in 2016, I had an interest in the whole-body approach that I was able to deepen throughout my osteopathic training and that I will continue with future continuing education. Driven by a deep curiosity about how the human body works, my aim as an osteopath is to identify the underlying cause of problems to guide individuals towards an active and healthy life.

5381 Rue Foster
Waterloo, Québec
J0E 2N0
FAX:(819) 472-2425
170 Rue Gouin
Richmond, Québec
J0B 2H0
FAX:(819) 472-2425
9044 Rue De La Montagne
Valcourt, Québec
J0E 2L0
FAX:(819) 472-2425
65, rue Belvédère Nord bureau 270
Sherbrooke, Québec
J1H 4A7
FAX:(819) 472-2425