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+1 (514) 990 9299

make an appointment

+1 (514) 990 9299

Marie-France Huard, Massage Therapist



With a wealth of clinical experience working with breast cancer patients, Marie-France Huard teams up with a wide range of healthcare professionals to gently treat the after-effects of certain medical treatments, including loss of mobility, post-radiation trauma and painful scars. It has become an indispensable solution for breast cancer sufferers.

After breast cancer, you can regain flexibility and comfort with LPG Endermotherapy® with Marie-France Huard. The combination of LPG Endermotherapy®, fasciatherapy and massage therapy is a non-invasive, painless and non-traumatizing instrumental method. In addition to treating all scars, even the oldest ones, this approach mobilizes tissues while offering preventive action against the appearance of adhesions and fibrosis. 

** Eligible for a massage therapy insurance receipt. **


5345, boul. l'Assomption Local RC55
Montreal, Québec
H1T 4B3
FAX:(514) 259-0744