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+1 (514) 990 9299

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+1 (514) 990 9299

Martin Caron, Physiotherapist

English, French


Martin graduated from the Université de Montréal with a bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy in 2005 and a Certificate in Kinesiology in 2001. Since he began practicing, he has made it his duty to put his patients at the heart of his concerns and keeps abreast of the latest practices in order to offer optimal quality of care. To this end, he has completed a number of training courses, including: AQPMO Level 3 Upper and Lower Quadrant Manual Therapy, McKenzie Approach Part A, Therapeutic Exercises in Upper and Lower Quadrant Physiotherapy, Neuro-Primoceptive Taping and Dynamic Tape, Prevention of Running Injuries, as well as a number of other physiotherapy training courses and conferences. He is also trained in the evaluation and treatment of the temporomandibular joint (jaw) in physiotherapy and is certified to prescribe X-rays. Martin has always had an interest in sports, including field hockey, golf, soccer, soccer and running. He was part of the treatment team for the Montreal-New York Running Challenge in 2013 and was involved early in his career as a physiotherapist with the St-Joseph school soccer team (benjamin, cadet and juvenile). He is also the Director of the Physiothérapie Universelle clinic in St-Hyacinthe.

2035, Avenue Ste-Anne Bureau 202
St-Hyacinthe, Québec
J2S 5H3
FAX:(450) 778-7020